Your donation helps us continue to make content that matters. It’s tax-deductible as we are an IRS 501(c)3 organization governed by a five-person Board of Directors. We are volunteer-run. Our media director, Jane Fritz, is a paid podcast producer and blog writer, and Justin Lantrip is a paid podcast assistant producer and technical engineer. We also pay honorariums to guest producers. As experienced professionals, they all are dedicated and passionate about their work!
Make a Difference
Tell three friends about what you’ve learned from Voices of the Wild Earth. Share the website and the links to the Blog and Podcasts.
Every voice matters! If an issue moves you, write a letter to the editor to your local or regional newspaper. Or write a letter to your state governor, legislators, and members of Congress.
Support other nonprofits who advocate for nature or take direct action. We especially like: Earthjustice and Center for Biological Diversity. For Indigenous support, we suggest Nez Perce Wallowa Homeland in Wallowa, Oregon. We are part of an interconnected Earth community!